[NPL] Copia's Mega-Faxing
Mega-Faxing for the Masses
Naperville, IL For Immediate Release Not just another pretty
fax, Copia's FaxFacts Fax Server now brings the power of T1 and PRI digital
communications to network faxing. Large corporations, call centers, and
service bureaus will appreciate the ease of high- volume, production faxing
that FaxFacts provides. FaxFacts uses Copia International's patented mail
merge to fax technology combined with digital transmission to offer
reliable, high-performance delivery of thousands of personalized faxes per
Copia also provides easy-to-use software to help manage fax broad- cast
jobs. Each job is assigned an owner, an identifier, and a type such as
marketing pieces, product announcements, or whatever you prefer. The job
can then be assigned a priority, a recipient list, and delivery time and
date. The job administrator can monitor jobs, cancel or pause a job,
archive a job, and change job priority. Upon job completion, job owners may
be notified by e-mail, job reports may be run, jobs may be archived, and
user-defined special process- ing may be performed. FaxFacts not only makes
"fax blasting" possible, but practical, as well.
Lester Telemarketing, a call center in Branford, CT, finds Copia's FaxFacts
just the right product for giving their customers' clients personalized
faxes. "We sent ten thousand personalized faxes using FaxFacts' mail merge
feature", Ed Finch, Lester's Director of Fax Broadcasting, remarked. "I
don't know how we would have done it without FaxFacts. Other products we
looked at only gave us 2 or 3 fields to work with on the fax itself, with
FaxFacts we had unlimited fields."
FaxFacts supports multiple T1 lines per single CPU chassis. Contact Copia
International at 800-689-8898 or visit our web site at http://www.copia.com
for more information.