For Immediate Release
"Savants Only" Stay Up-to-Date on the Web
Chicago, IL -- Savant Interactive has added yet another reason to try
their highly-acclaimed software product, webSavant. When you purchase
a copy of webSavant and send in your registration card, you now have
access to a special section of their Web site called "Savants Only."
Savants Only keeps registered users of webSavant up-to-date with the
latest in Web development news, online tutorials of new topics, a
place to post Web design questions, and much more.
Until July 1st, you can take a peek at the Savants Only section
without being a registered owner of webSavant. Simply visit the Web
site at, click on "Savants Only" and enter
the Login Name "sneak" and the password "peek".
About webSavant
webSavant is a revolutionary way of learning Web design and
development. On a set of four CD-ROMs, it uses QuickTime movies to
teach everything from the basics to the most sophisticated elements
of Web site production. It starts with an introduction to the
Internet and World Wide Web, and moves into HTML, page design and
image creation. It continues with more advanced and exciting topics
like animated GIFs, JavaScript, CGI, audio, video, Flash and PDF. The
entire package, Mac or Windows, is available through the Web site,, for $199.95.
webSavant Reviews
webSavant is being recognized by reviewers for its extreme quality
and comprehension.
"As far as I'm aware, there's nothing else like webSavant on the
market. It is simply the most comprehensive and complete single
source available for learning Web page development. --Mac Today
Magazine, May/June '99, 4.5 of 5 stars
"If you want to take a crash course in Web authoring, you'd be hard
pressed to find a better alternative than webSavant." --MacHome
Journal, February 1999, 3.5 of 5 apples
"I found webSavant to be a very effective way to learn, much better
than just reading books... It is more like taking a class in Web
design and management but better..." --Bill Fox, software reviewer
for the Macs Only! Website, 5 of 5 marks
"Supposedly there is a Chinese saying which goes something like this:
Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I
understand. webSavant must have some serious Chinese roots because
this 4 CD package does it all and more." --Thom Gillespie, writer for
the Computer Media column of The Library Journal
Contact: Amy McLott, Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Phone: 708-383-3702 (main office 773-975-2460)
Fax: 773-975-2051