Category Review: interdisciplinary apps for Mac OS X, part three
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Category Review: interdisciplinary apps for Mac OS X, part three

This MacNews Category Review is the third of our multi-part look at interdisciplinary apps for the Mac. Products covered include Graphing Calculator, GraphPad Prism, Gridgen, Gridirion XLR8, gridMathematica, Hipparchus, HyperRESEARCH, IDL, Igor Filter Design Lab, Image Processing Toolbox, Industrial Optimization, InforSense BioSense Guide, InStat Mac, Intel Math Kernel Library, IsingCocoa, iTeXMac, iThink, iUnitX, JANFEA, jBEAM, JMP, jPlot, KaleidaGraph, kSpectra Toolkit, LabAssistant, LandSerf, Luxus Software LX-Proscope, MacHREM, MacOSXLinPro, MacVector, Maple, Mapping Toolbox, Mathematica, mathStatica, MathTensor, MATLAB, Mechanical Systems, MeshViz, Metes and Bounds, MLAB, Moab Utility/Hosting Suite and Model Predictive Control Toolbox.

Graphing Calculator

Graphing Calculator ( features symbolic and numeric methods for visualizing two and three dimensional mathematical objects. It has multiple equations, implicitly and parametrically defined curves and surfaces, contour, density, and vector field plots, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Graphing Calculator is a tool for quickly visualizing math; you type an equation and it is drawn for you without complicated dialogs or commands.

GraphPad Prism

GraphPad Prism ( combines basic biostatistics, curve fitting (nonlinear regression) and scientific graphing, offering guidance to help you choose an appropriate analysis and interpret the results.


Gridgen ( generates quad/hex, tri/tet, and hybrid grids using both an OpenGL-based GUI and the Tcl-based Glyph scripting language. Native CAD Readers and fault tolerant surface meshing enable automated meshing of complex geometry models.

GridIron XLR8

Gridiron XLR8 ( is an application development tool and runtime software for developing, using and running applications with the added speed of distributed computing. XLR8 enables your computationally intensive software application to run faster on multiple computers


gridMathematica ( is a parallel computing application for a range of scientific and mathematical environments. It includes Mathematica software.


Hipparchus ( uses spatial indexing method and modern vector algebra to aid developers with an open approach for location information. It provides unconstrained modeling and manipulation of zero, one and two dimensional objects.


HyperRESEARCH ( enables you to code and retrieve, build theories, and conduct analyses of your data. You can work with text, graphics, audio, and video sources with this code-and-retrieve data analysis program.


IDL (, the Interactive Data Language, is software for data analysis, visualization and cross-platform application development. It includes suite of mathematics, statistics, graphics, image processing, mapping and general data manipulation features.

Igor Filter Design Lab

The IGOR Filter Design Lab ( adds an environment for interactive design, evaluation, and application of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filters to WaveMetrics' IGOR and IGOR Pro graphing and data analysis packages. IGOR Pro is a scientific and engineering-oriented graphing and data analysis program. And the IGOR XOP Toolkit is an add-on package that allows C and C++ programmers to extend IGOR Pro.

Image Processing Toolbox

]The Image Processing Toolbox ( provides a complete suite of digital image processing and analysis tools for MATLAB. You can utilize the set of algorithms provided or modify them to develop customized tools to solve your image processing problems.

Industrial Optimization

Industrial Optimization ( is a Mathematica application package designed to solve a wide range of optimization problems. It provides algorithms for linear and nonlinear optimization as well as modern techniques such as genetic programming. Because the package runs in conjunction with Mathematica, users also have access to the Mathematica programming language and over 1,500 operations that can be used to read, prepare, and analyze data in a single application.

InforSense BioSense Guide

InforSense BioSense Grid ( is a service-based high-performance environment for creating and publishing bioinformatics applications. It uses InforSense visual workflow to allow users to compose high performance bioinformatics web services provided by iNquiry from the BioTeam and to run the composed services over a distributed computing environment.

InStat Mac

InState Mac ( is a statistical package designed for scientists and students. It's designed to make it easy to calculate P values, confidence intervals and needed sample size.

Intel Math Kernel Library

The Intel Math Kernel Library ( is a set of highly optimized, thread-safe, mathematical functions for engineering, scientific and financial applications requiring high performance. The functional areas of the library include linear algebra (BLAS, LAPACK, Sparse Solvers), Fast Fourier Transforms, Vector Math, and Random Number Generators. Intel MKL is threaded for multi-processors and has been specifically optimized for the Intel Core Duo processor.

IsingCocoa ( runs simulations of the Ising model of magnetically interacting spins on a two-dimensional lattice. It's intended as a demonstration of the possibilities for interactive exploration of scientific models.


iTeXMac ( is scientific edition software based on Donald E. Knuth TeX compositing system. It's not a full featured TeX environment, and needs an additional [url=]teTeX or TeX live distribution[/url]. You enter commands in a text editor and produce PDF documents, that you can view, print or drag to another application like KeyNote.


iThink ( lets you map out a process or issue using building blocks. You can use its point-and-click features to transform your map into a working model.


iUnitX ( converts between over 1,400 different units of distance, mass, volume, velocity, density, and other types of units. It's designed for students, engineers, scientists, and other professionals who need to convert between various units of measurement. iUnit also displays the values of many physical constants.


JANFEA ( is software for finite element analysis and material point method calculations.


jBEAM ( is a front end for Internet applications focussed on analyzing and visualization of engineering data. It can handle data input by database access (JDBC), online data acquisition via Internet (TCPIP) or the import of local files.


JMP ( dynamically links statistics with graphics to interactively explore, understand, and visualize data. It's designed for anyone who wants to discover relationships and outliers in their data. JMP provides a set of statistical tools, as well as Design of Experiments and Statistical Quality Control.


JPlot ( is a multi-purpose data plotting program for use as the graphic front-end of (scientific) software. It's also available as a stand-alone application with graphical user interface.


KaleidaGraph ( is a tool for transforming complex data into meaningful graphs. Features include: curve-fitting; flexible error bars; an import facility; aselection of 2-D plot types, plot customization; and publication-quality output.

kSpectra Toolkit

kSpectra Toolkit ( contains procedures for spectral estimation of a time series, decomposing it into trends, oscillatory components and noise with sophisticated statistical tests, as well as reconstruction and prediction. Its core computations use Acceleration Framework and multi-threading. It comes with great built-in plotting, and provides EPS and PDF output. kSpectra is scriptable with AppleScript, comes with set of Automator actions, and its project files are indexed by Spotlight.


LabAssistant ( helps scientist to manage multiple timers, and keeps track of their experiments in a digital Labjournal. It offers pop-up function to remind you when your experiment is finished.


LandSerf ( is a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the visualization and analysis of surfaces. Applications include: visualization of landscapes; geomorphological analysis; gaming development; GIS file conversion; map output; archaeological mapping and analysis; and surface modeling.


LISREL ( is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) software with features including full information maximum likelihood (FIML), multilevel SEM, nonlinear multilevel modeling, and multiple imputation.

Luxus Software LX-Proscope
Luxus Software LX-Proscope ( is software for capturing, editing, and analyzing digital photographs or videos from a range of hardware sources, such as cameras, microscopes, telescopes, medical imaging devices, etc. It's built for use with the ProScope digital microscope, but will also work with other video sources.


MacHREM ( is a suite of high-resolution electron microscope image simulation programs. Simulated results can be displayed as high-quality gray-scale images. This software can be extend its capabilities to simulate convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED) patterns, diffuse scattering intensity distributions and scan transmission electron microscope (STEM) images by adding corresponding optional functions.


MacOSXLinPro ( is linear programming optimization software based on the simplex algorithm.


MacVector ( accesses the Entrez databases at the NCBI using an integrated Internet browser. Sequences and their corresponding features and annotations are downloaded directly into MacVector. The software offers a choice of alignment functions, including the Clustal W algorithm for multiple sequence alignment. It also offers restriction, motif and ORF searches.

Maple ( is an environment for scientific and engineering problem-solving, mathematical exploration, data visualization and technical authoring. It offers computing support for any activity involving mathematics. In addition, it allows you to encapsulate and manage technical knowledge.

Mapping Toolbox

The Mapping Toolbox ( provides a set of functions and graphical user interfaces for creating map projection displays, performing geographic computations and data fusion, generating presentation graphics, and accessing external geographic data.


Mathematica ( is an environment for calculating and communicating in science and technology. It's designed for creating interactive technical reports, presentations, and courseware that include text, active formulas, graphics, and customizable buttons and palettes.


mathStatica ( was designed to solve the algebraic/symbolic problems that are of primary interest in mathematical statistics. It does this by building upon the symbolic computational power of Mathematica to create a toolset specially designed for doing mathematical statistics.


MathTensor ( is a package that provides advanced tensor analysis functionality for Mathematica users.


MATLAB ( integrates mathematical computing, visualization, and a language to provide an environment for technical computing.

Mechanical Systems

Mechanical Systems ( includes Mathematica tools and examples used for analyzing and designing rigid body systems. Used for work in mechanical engineering, this pack is designed to minimize user design options in mechanical systems analysis.


The Mesh extension ( is a data visualization component for Open Inventor, designed for 2D/3D scientific, manufacturing, finite element, fluid dynamics, crash simulation, GIS, oil and gas exploration and statistic visualization systems. It provides a development tool for all types of engineering analysis, visualization, and communication, and allows the developer to integrate visualization into a wide range of applications.

Metes and Bounds

Metes and Bounds ( allows you to turn Metes and Bounds data into a plot map.


MLAB ( is a program for interactive mathematical and statistical modeling. Features include: curve-fitting, differential equations, statistics and graphics; more than 30 command types and over 400 built-in functions from the areas of elementary mathematics, transcendental functions, probability and statistics, linear algebra, optimization, cluster analysis, combinatorics, numeric input/output, and graphics.

Moab Utility/Hosting Suite

The Moab Utility/Hosting Suite ( enables utility computing that empowers resource providers to service those needing access to personalized resources. This suite gives any HPC organization the ability to host out or immediately access specific resources or entire computer environments, which Moab dynamically provisions and schedules (including operating systems, security, credentials, applications, network, storage, etc.).

Model Predictive Control Toolbox

The Model Predictive Control Toolbox ( provides tools for implementing model predictive control strategies. It includes functions that allow you to design and test controllers for both simple and complex plants and incorporates the most popular methods for the specification of the optimization problem and state estimation.

Next week: part four.


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