Recommended reading: 'Mac Kung Fu'
There are lots of books that teach you the basics of using Mac OS X 10.7 ("Lion"). However, Pragmatic Bookshelf's "Mac Kung Fu" (US$35) book that goes beyond the basics to teach you all kinds of tips and ticks.
Once you're comfortable using Lion, it's time to take the next step. A"Mac Kung Fu" teaches you all sorts of tips and tricks -- there are over 300, in fact.. You'll learn how to master everyday tools such as the Dock, Spotlight, Mission Control, Launchpad, and Dashboard. You'll discover other useful tools and built-in add-ons. You'll learn how to customize the OS X interface, refine your workflow, learn security tricks, work better with photos, movies and documents, and test your Mac hardware.
Each tip in the book is short and readable. Most take less than a minute to complete, but really complement the Lion experience.
Author Keir Thomas is a Linux Journal award-winning author who has been writing about Linux, operating systems and computer hardware for over a decade. Formerly a computer magazine journalist and editor, working on titles such as Linux User and Developer, Linux Magazine and PC Utilities, his other book titles include "Beginning Ubuntu Linux, Third Edition," "Beginning Fedora Linux," "Ubuntu Kung Fu" and "Beginning SUSE Linux, Second Edition."
"Mac Kung Fu" is available in epub, mobi, and PDF direct from the publisher and in paperback from fine bookstores worldwide. For more information about the book, including errata, discussions, full table of contents, excerpts from the book and more, go to .