Kool Tools: Zorro Macsk Classic for the iMac
If you're holding your breath for a touchscreen Mac, you're probably turning a little blue. Okay, take a breath and turn your attention to the Zorro Macsk from LumiaView (www.lumiaview.com).
It's an external touchscreen for the 21-inch iMac (including the latest generation); sorry, but 27-inchers need not apply. The US$199 touchscreen requires no additional software to run. You just plug it into the back of the iMac with a USB cable.
Once installed -- voila! -- you have a touchscreen iMac that can be used to enhance the customer experience at hotels, restaurants, shops and more. Teachers and business people can use it for touchy feely demos. A touchscreen iMac can be used for sales transactions and more in the retail POS market. Or, heck, you can just it to play Angry Birds on a bigger screen.
In addition, the Zorro Macsk protects the iMac screen from scratches and helps prevent dust from getting inside the screen.