Kool Tools: AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac
Ever deleted or lost photos, music, documents, video files or other data? You know you have. So you may need AppleXsoft Photo Recovery (http://tinyurl.com/agxyn9g), digital media data recovery software designed for Mac users that can retrieve just about anything that can be written to digital media device.
It works with most USB, FireWire and other digital media readers. AppleXsoft Photo Recovery -- which probably needs a more comprehensive moniker -- can recover data from digital cameras, memory cards and other devices. It uses an algorithm for RAW and HD video recovery.
Whether files were deleted, the media was corrupted or formatted, AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac can probably help. The interface is very intuitive and the software is easy to learn. What's more, Photo Recovery will also will allow you to create a backup image of your memory card, as well as allow recovery from your backup image as well as other card image formats.