Kool Tools: SecureWords word processor
We have encrypted storages for our passwords. We encrypt our emails, our chats, and our journals. But what about a secure word processing app for our articles, our thoughts, our words? Enter SecureWords.
It's a tool that automatically encrypts and decrypts text documents so we can, among other things, store them on iCloud or in Dropbox without having to worry. SecureWords is a lean machine that can handle RTF, OpenOffice, and Word documents.
You use it like you would any word processor. However, the items you pen will sport built-in password protection and 256 bit encryption. You can also export your SecureWords documents into a format such as Word or Markdown. Read more at http://createlivelove.com/623/ .
You can also obtain SecureWords on the Mac App Store (http://tinyurl.com/keupxon). It costs US$11.99 and requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.