Recommended reading: 'The Software Test Engineer's Handbook, 2nd Edition'
Many books cover functional testing techniques, but relatively few also cover technical testing. "The Software Test Engineer’s Handbook, 2nd Edition" (US$49.95, 560 pages) from O'Reilly fills that gap.
Authors Graham Bath and Judy McKay are core members of the ISTQB Working Party that created the new "Advanced Level Syllabus—Test Analyst" and "Advanced Level Syllabus—Technical Test Analyst," which were released in 2012.
This book presents functional and technical aspects of testing as a coherent whole and is designed for test analysts/engineers and test managers. It provides a preparation base for the "Advanced Test Analyst" and "Advanced Technical Test Analyst" exams, with enough real-world examples to keep readers intellectually invested.
The information presented in the book was written to help the reader become a skilled Advanced Test Analyst and Advanced Technical Test Analyst. Readers will be able to apply this information in the real world of tight schedules, restricted resources, and projects that do not proceed as planned.
Bath's experience in testing spans over 25 years and has covered a wide array of domains and technologies. As a test manager, he has been responsible for the testing of mission-critical systems in spaceflight, telecommunications, and police incident-control.
McKay has spent the last 20 years working in the high tech industry with particular focus on software quality assurance. She has managed departments encompassing all aspects of the software life cycle, including requirements design and analysis, software development, database design, software quality assurance, software testing, technical support, professional services, configuration management, technical publications, and software licensing. Her career has spanned across commercial software companies, aerospace, foreign-owned R&D, networking, and various Internet companies.
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, go to .